Free Personal Productivity Apps! – your friendly neighborhood hub for handy productivity tools, offers simple apps that stores your data right on your device, completely free.



A simple yet playful app to jot down your notes anytime, anywhere.

- Supports color theming
- Change Fonts, colors and size
- Character & Word counter
- Persistent Local Storage (Privacy friendly)
- Quick Copy, Delete & Restore options
- Download notes as text file
- Markdown style todo detection (- [ ] todo | Ctrl/Cmd+Enter will create a Todo item)
- Evaluate js expressions (Ctrl/Cmd + Q or Ctrl/Cmd + E)
Access Notes


Create snippets to quickly access often used data snippets.

- Supports color theming
- Save often used data snippets along with optional title
- Search snippets by title or data
- Persistent Local Storage (Privacy friendly)
- Quick copy option
Access Snippets


An easy-to-use To-do list to manage your tasks efficiently.

- Supports color theming
- Track Todos & Completed tasks
- Supports Editing & Deleting of Tasks
- Persistent Local Storage (Privacy friendly)
- Shows Created & Completed Date & Time
- Create Todos from Notes
Access Todos


I'm Raghu Chinnannan, I'm an indiehacker, passionate about building stuff for fun and trying to make your life a bit easier.

With Textpro, you get privacy friendly simple apps that store & process your stuff right on your device, no fuss. Right now, we've got two apps ready to go, and I'm always tinkering away to add more features and goodies.

But hey, I can't do it alone! You can help support my little project by sponsoring me or snagging the source code for your own projects. Every bit of support means the world to me. Let's keep it simple, let's keep it productive. Thanks for stopping by!

Buy License

You can also support us by buying the source code (built using plain html, css & vanilla js) of this entire site & apps for hosting in your own domain name or using in your project.

Each license gives you the right to use the code for a single project and you are free to edit the code and use it the way you need.
You are not allowed to resell copies of this code to others but you can transfer a single license to another person or entity.

Buy License