Ampersand is launching soon! Subscribe to be notified

Build an economy in your own Discord server

Say hello to Ampersand! She adds Ampers – a special currency – as well as a bank, a shop, an inventory, trading, games, and more!

Ampersand Bot

Features that just make sense.

Every single feature we build is meant to contribute to the economy system.

Ampersand is a hyper-focused economy bot with no straggling features like modding, feeds, or soundboards. Everything is intended to tie-in to the economy one way or another.

Every server gets its own bank. Every transaction that is made by your community contributes to, or withdraws from, the bank. Give your community members loans, with interest, and control the amount of taxation that occurs at the end of every day.
Create items for your community to purchase from your shop to keep the economy moving. Your community can access the beautifully designed shop interface all directly within Discord. Items can have ownership and supply limitations, availability time limits, and discount sales!
Every community member gets a wallet and backpack. Items owned will appear in your backpack and can be traded, gifted, or sold either to another player or back to the shop.
The leaderboard showcases the top most wealthy members. Net worth is calculated using the total funds in your wallet in combination with the total value of the items in your backpack.
Community members can earn rewards by being active in your server, as well as running the /daily, /weekly, and /monthly commands.
Games such as dice and coinflip can be used to gamble your currency against the bank. We'll be adding more games as we update Ampersand!
Ampers in banks
Discord servers hosting
Shop items created

So easy to use

Ampersand can be fully managed within Discord, all with magical forms! No clunky, web-based dashboards for you to log in to just to change a setting!

This includes changing all your various settings, setting up permissions, and managing your shop and items!

Add to Discord


The right price for your community
no matter its size

Get everything you need to start an economy in your Discord server for free! You only need to pay for bonus features, customization, and access to the global economy!



Get started with an economy right away!
No strings attached.

  • Up to 8 shop items
  • Use in unlimited servers
  • Access all base commands
  • Self-contained economy
Get Started Now


$4 /month

More features. No limits.

  • Unlimited shop items
  • CustomAmpers emoji
  • Customisation features
  • More granular settings
  • Access Premium commands
  • Access to the global Discord economy
  • Early access to new games & features
Get Premium on Patreon

Special thanks to our 0 supporters for helping us keep Ampersand running!


Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Reach out to us on Discord and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

What's the difference between the global and self-contained economies?
With Ampersand Premium, you can optionally switch your Discord server to be part of the global economy.
This means that your server's bank will be disabled and all transactions will occur through a bank that all Discord servers with Ampersand Premium share.
In addition: If you choose to remain a self-contained economy, you get the option to take a loan from the global bank as a bailout if your bank runs out of money.
What happens if I downgrade from Premium to Standard?
If you've opted-in to the global economy, you will be switched back to the self-contained economy.
Your original bank will be restored and any items your community has purchased from the global bank will be locked (no longer tradable or refundable).
If you owe money to the global bank, payments will continue to occur until you no longer do.
When will Ampersand be available to add to my server?
Can't give you an exact date, but it's very soon!
We'll be sending out emails to notify everyone that signs up once Ampersand beta is available for testing, so feel free to signup below!
How do I activate Premium?
Once you've subscribed on Patreon, you will receive an automated email to the email address associated to your Patreon account with a unique activation code.
Use the /premium [activation code] command on Discord to activate Premium on your server!
What if I want Ampersand premium on multiple servers?
For the moment, the code you receive by subscribing to Premium can only be used once.
We are currently working on a way to enable Premium on multiple servers while preventing account sharing.

Feature Timeline

We've got a lot of exciting ideas in mind for Ampersand, so stay tuned for a bright future!

Initial launch

Ampersand is made available for everyone to use!

Credit Score & Loans

Members can build up a credit score to then use for features like loans, financing on shop items, and more!


The next big thing!

More features!

With a whole bunch more to come! Suggest new features on Discord!

Get notified at launch!

Launch Notifications
We'll inform you when the beta and full release are available.
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We do not email you for anything else. We do not sell your information.