Our job is providing

Better work for
curious minds.

We help with understanding your needs and finding who meets them.

Space Cow

Featured profiles

our promise to developers

We firmly believe that building a great company starts at the individual level. Thus, all our services are designed around the goal to make your work life more fruitful.


Your data is yours

Your data is not for sale. No ifs or buts, not even for money. We charge companies for listing jobs and using our tools. Nothing that you do not explicitly choose to share is ever sold.

No third parties

"Our market-leading partner is looking for..." Familiar, right? Not here. We only work with companies doing the hiring themselves and do our best to spare you from the hassles of working with third parties.

Only the best companies

We are only successful if you recommend us to your friends, right? It is in our best interest to only work with the companies who have the most exciting job openings. We reject boring.

Featured jobs — coming soon!

it's bigger on the inside is built on the foundation that working relationships should be looked at as mutually beneficial agreements, equal partnerships. Our features are designed to help both sides of the hiring process.


Outstanding developer profiles

We help developers highlight not only their skills but various aspects of their preferred ways of working. Being a productive and efficient team member is about so much more than what a resume can convey.

Transparent job listings

We help companies step beyond catchy buzzwords and vague job descriptions. We believe that the best way to attract the right people is to be honest about what you're looking for.

Collaborative processes

Our applicant management tools enable teams to take control of who they want to work with in the future. The result? Less decision pressure on leadership and better team cohesion.

Featured companies — coming soon!